10 Types Of Motion Graphics You Should Know

Stada Media
4 min readAug 18, 2020


If you’re not sure where to start with your video marketing, motion graphics is a solid start. It’s infinitely appealing to young and old, you can create it anywhere, and it offers endless possibilities. This is why we thought we’d better lay down all the types of motion graphics you can choose from for your business.

In this post, there are 10 in total — we know, that’s a lot. However, don’t worry if your idea doesn’t seem to quite ‘fit’ any of these categories, or it overlaps multiple. Whatever your business or goals, motion graphics can work for you!

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We know you want that motion graphics video for your business, so let’s get down to it.

1. Explainer videos

Explainer videos are short and digestible pieces of video content that tell viewers how your product works.

Out of all the types of motion graphics, this is one of the most common. You’ll see this a LOT on companies’ feeds, because they’ll have services or products they need to make clearer.

If you’re selling a product or service that is not immediately super simple, you’re going to need an explainer video.

This doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with your product. Moreover, it gives you more scope to present an engaging and shareable motion graphics video to your audience. Some products need a little more instruction to use, but this is just more opportunity to communicate with your customers!

Recommended reading: Why You Should Be Creating Explainer Videos For Marketing

2. Instructional videos

Very similar to your explainer video, an instructional video rather walks viewers through how to USE your product.

For example, you might be selling your own brand of seasoning. You would use an instructional video to tell your audience how to incorporate it into a recipe.

Now, you could opt for the traditional live-action for this kind of video. But who wants to go with tradition? A motion graphics version of this video would be much more eye-catching, and full of personality.

3. User interface (UI) animation

If you’ve created an app or digital platform, it’s a smart idea to show it in action using motion graphics.

This way, what your audience sees will be what they get. In other words, if they start using your platform, they’ll already be familiar with it.

In addition, you have the opportunity to show the best features of your platform.

4. Logos

What makes your brand even more memorable than its logo? A moving one!

With your logo, you have the chance to play with how it’s composed to create an eye-catching animation. Remember, all types of motion graphics are just static images that are manipulated to create movement.

For example, if your logo involves circular shapes, you could have them spinning or rotating before coming together to make the finished image.

Alternatively, you don’t even have to make it complicated — you could simply take your logo and make it hover on the screen to give it a little bit of life.

5. Icons

This is the same concept as your logo — look at your icons and see how you could manipulate them into motion. Motion graphics is all about giving life to what’s already there — think of it as video CPR!

6. Titles

Titles don’t have as much ‘oomph’ when they’re stock-still on the screen. Make them move will draw attention to them, highlighting their importance and improving your communication.

This especially important if your motion graphics video doesn’t have a voiceover to help the communication along.

7. Infographics

Let’s face it, even when an infographic is showing some really interesting stats, sometimes we’re tempted to skim over it.

However, making your infographic MOVE will ensure your audience’s eyes stay on the right things. As a result, you’ll get the information across in exactly the way you want to.

These types of motion graphics are most suited to platforms like LinkedIn, where thought leadership prevails.

8. Presentations

You could be the best public speaker in a million miles. However, if you’re presenting something on a screen and it’s completely flat, this can really hurt your presentation’s success.

These types of motion graphics take visual elements of a presentation, such as bar charts, and create movement to engage the audience.

As with infographics, if you animate the significant parts, you’re likely to get the viewer response you want!

9. Broadcast graphics

The lesser-talked about of the types of motion graphics is broadcast graphics. An example of these are the striking idents you might see in between footage of a football game.

Broadcast graphics add more visual appeal to programmes where the scene rarely changes, such as a football pitch. An exciting motion graphic builds interest in the game as it progresses.

10. GIFs

You use them on social media and send them to your friends and colleagues: GIFs is hugely popular among the types of motion graphics. While a lot of GIFs are live-action video that has been turned INTO a GIF, others are made specifically to be GIFs.

GIF motion graphics are really handy for, and effective on, social media. What’s more, they don’t take long to make.

What is your favourite out of these 10 types of motion graphics? For us, it has to be– nope, we can’t pick a favourite.

We hope once you’ve read this blog, you’ll have a better idea of what type of motion graphics you need. Let us know how you get on!

Want more than just advice? Looking for a team that can create any of these videos for you and MORE? Get in touch with us at Stada Media today.

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